Ice-Cream Bombe

2 pints orange sherbet
1 pint pistachio ice cream
1 pint chocolate ice cream

Soften 1 pint of the orange sherbet; spoon into chilled 2 quart metal mold or bowl. Freeze until firm, at least 1 hour. Soften pistachio ice cream; spread over layer of orange sherbet in mold. Freeze until firm.

Repeat with chocolate ice cream and the remaining orange sherbet. Cover mold with waxed paper; freeze until firm.

Just before serving, turn mold onto chilled serving plate. Dip cloth into hot water; wring out and place over top of mold until mold loosens.

Remove mold. If surface of ice cream has melted slightly, return to freezer for about 10 minutes. If you wish, garnish bombe with fruits or whipped cream. 8 to 10 servings.

Mix and match ice-cream flavors and colors to your moods, table decorations, menu or even to the seasons. Try dark chocolate, mocha, and chocolate chip ice cream, strawberry, mint and cherry ice cream, pistachio, dark cherry and coffee ice cream, butter pecan, banana and blueberry ice cream.

©Copyright 1971 by General Mills, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.

3 thoughts on “Ice-Cream Bombe

  1. Annie

    you know who’s always making a fracking ice cream bombe, ina garten. show her how it’s done, surly.

  2. Pingback: Glassbomb | Kakresan

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